ALIPAC NOTE: Many thanks to all of you that asked the board not to do this with phone calls and e-mails. We offer special thanks to the fifty people that stood outside these meetings in the rain with our signs to speak out the best way we could during our protest in Raleigh on Sept. 17, 2009! A steady stream of cars rolled by honking in support outside the building where no public comment was allowed by the non-elected officials that made this unpopular decision. Thanks to your efforts our side, the side that reflects the views of a very large majority of Americans, was heard. And the results are that a huge backlash of outrage is sweeping across North Carolina as news reaches the public of this very unpopular decision. The scientific and professional polls show us that between 68 and 80% of NC citizens oppose illegal immigrants going to our colleges at all. This super majority is further documented in the media polls running online. When asked if illegal aliens should be allowed in our colleges. WSOC finds 88% say No! News 14 finds 86% say NO! NBC TV 12 finds 86% say NO. Mr. Sullins, the man that has received all your calls and e-mails, has admitted that the vast amount of contacts he received were against this measure. The people spoke, but they did not listen. Taxation without representation is once again a factor in America! Thanks again to all of you that spoke out against this great injustice perpetrated against our innocent citizenry.--- NC Community college panel OKs illegal immigrant enrollmentRALEIGH, N.C. — A committee of the North Carolina Board of Community Colleges on Thursday approved a policy that would allow illegal immigrants to enroll at the two-year colleges. Under a proposed policy, students who aren't in the country legally but who graduated from a U.S. high school would have to pay out-of-state rates of about $7,000 a year. Also, lawful U.S. residents would have priority to crowded classrooms. The country's third-largest community college system has changed its illegal immigrant admission policy four times since 2000. The latest look comes as laid-off workers fill classrooms. Although the policy committee had little discussion of the proposal before unanimously approving it, about two dozen protesters gathered outside the Community College System offices to complain loudly about the plan. "This is a very difficult economic time, where the focus and priority needs to be on suffering, innocent American families, not families that broke into our nation," said William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee. Protesters encouraged passing drivers to honk in opposition to allowing illegal immigrants to attend North Carolina's 58 community colleges. "Basically, it's our schools, our colleges," one protester said. "People that ... pay taxes should be attending these schools." Latino advocacy groups hailed the proposal, saying it would continue North Carolina's tradition of higher education support for state residents. "I do think today was a step in the right direction," longtime educator Nancy Gallman said. "What this simply means is that more and more students are driven to go to college. I don't see that as a problem for this state. I see that as something we should be proud of." Gov. Beverly Perdue said in an interview this week with WRAL News that she doesn't believe people who are in the U.S. illegally should be in community college classrooms. "In all honesty and with due respect to the Board of Community Colleges, it's hard for me to understand why we would give an education to those who can't work legally in the country," Perdue said. "Either way, it's a hard choice. Kids need an education, but if they can't work, why do it?"SEE VIDEO AND DISCUSS THIS ARTICLE WITH OUR ONLINE ACTIVISTS AT...
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