Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I am working with our Rottweiler, Deuce to be my Service Dog, SD for short.We are going to Clicker Training to teach Deuce how to be a good citizen and get along with all types of dogs. This is a problem for Deuce since he is a Huricane Katrina survivor.We adopted Deuce from a purebred Rottweiler club.
Deuce has already provided a service to me since he has awaken me in the middle of the night because my APAP is not mkaing the correct sounds it should be.
The first night Deuce saw me with my mask on and the sound my APAP made, I had to show him that I was the same person. I never taught Deuce anything about APAP or CPAP machines but Deuce picked this up on his own.
We are now in a clicker training class and Deuce has come a long way and so have I. I am now trying to get Deuce to pick things up and hand them to me. I hope by the time graduation happens he will be able to pass his service dog test.

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